Jaypee Powergrid Limited: 214 KM Power Transmission project commissioned in April 2012 – To evacuate power from 1000 MW Karcham Wangtoo Project.

JPVL has subscribed 74% of the equity capital of Jaypee Powergrid Limited (JPL), which has developed a 214 km long power transmission project to evacuate power from the Karcham-Wangtoo project.

The power transmitted is meant for distribution and consumption in the states of Himachal Pradesh, Haryana, Punjab, Uttar Pradesh and Rajasthan.

The main Highlights are:

  • 214 KM Transmission project to evacuate power from 1000 MW Karcham- Wangtoo project.
  • Total Project cost is Rs.10000 million
  • First 400 KV Quad Conductor Double Circuit Transmission Line in hilly terrain in India
  • This transmission line consists of about 180 km stretch of hilly terrain with snowfall of up to eight feet in some stretches.